What's Your Daily Battle?
Your Habits Become Your Behavior.
Your Behavior Becomes Who You Are.
Let Go of Regret
STOP Obsessing About the Negative
Silence the Damaging Self Talk
STOP Blaming; everything & everyone
Replace Toxic Addictions
Let Go of Being Vulnerable
STOP Sabotaging Relationships
STOP the 'No Growth' Cycle
Let Go of Unhelpful Blueprints
STOP Holding Resentment
STOP Abusing Your Own Boundaries
Let Go of Toxic Relationships

Are you ready to get aggressive about changing your life?
Julia's approach to Life Coaching makes sure to help you build all of the areas of Resiliency that need care & attention after being raised in a low-nurture, toxic or abusive upbringing.
One-on-one life coaching by phone/skype/facetime/zoom.
Once a week on a preset schedule that works for you.
You Will Practice These Tools.
You Will Learn These Tools.
Develop Fluid Acceptance; of who you were, who you are, & who you can be
Learn to focus on Growth Style Knowledge
Take Ownership of Your Internal Voice
Create Accountability for Your Actions
Develop Healthy Coping Mechanisms
Cut Out Toxicity to Heal
Learn to Repair Conflict
Force Transformation from Insight
Trust in the Majority; let go of self doubt & anxiety (Reality Engineering)
Make your own core values for Forgiveness
Forge Extreme Boundaries
Redesign Your Vulnerability as Courage & Connection​